



Welcome to Fasta International School

Centre of Excellence!

Up-To-Date Teaching Aids and ICT Education

Pupils Displaying Price Won

Fasta School Won One of the prices At The ICT Talent Hunt Sponsored By Fidelity Bank

ICT is defined as any technology or device that has the capacity to acquire, store, process, or transmit information and can include personal computers, the Internet, mobile communication devices, email etcetera.

In Fasta International School, ICT is seen as a very useful tool to enhance the teaching and learning process, ICT also develop some writing skills: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and editing.

It is also confirmed that many pupils found learning in a technology-enhanced setting are more stimulating and much better than in a traditional classroom environment (Pedretti and Mayer-Smith 1998). So, Fasta International School does not only have ICT gadgets and experienced instructors, we use these devices to teach our pupils, motivate them to learn more and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

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